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custom wood windows

wood window

Wood windows have become more and more popular in recent years. Like most windows, they are often custom-made. In this article, you can learn about price determinants and costs.

the cost of custom wood windows

The type of wood is important

In addition to woods such as pine and larch, many valuable kinds of wood are also suitable for window construction.



Meranti (a precious wood from Indonesia)

The quality of the wood always determines the price of the window frame, as does the type of wood. The difference in price between the heartwood and the much cheaper sapwood is also clearly reflected in the final price for wood windows.

The price difference between custom windows and standard windows

There is no standardization of window sizes. Only common sizes derived from practice are available. In addition, certain geometric guidelines are usually adhered to when building windows. As a result, common window sizes are usually produced from stock, which is cheaper than the cost of a custom product.

Common Standard Window Sizes
Common Standard Window Sizes

How much do wood windows cost?

the cost of the frame

the cost of the glazing

the cost of installation

the costs for higher-quality equipment (sound insulation, burglary protection, sun protection glass, …)

The special equipment installed in wood windows can make them more expensive. For some types of wood, the cost of the frame alone can be twice as much.

Glass is the most important price factor for all windows. And special glass with particularly low U-values or special coatings can be even more expensive.

soundproof glass for custom wood windows

Setting requirements

Before you compare prices, you must be very clear about your requirements. You should have an accurate idea of the U-value you want to achieve, the type of wood you want to use, and the desired structural characteristics (e.g. “warm edges”).

Without this information, it is difficult to compare prices. In addition to this, the quality of the window is crucial for its durability and longevity of the window. So it makes sense to spend more money on windows produced under a quality seal such as RAL.

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