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Custom Aluminium Windows – Everything Is Possible

Aluminum windows

Aluminium windows are considered the highest quality and most durable windows. But it’s not cheap either. This article will introduce you to some aspects of aluminum windows, its associated design and its cost.

custom aluminum windows

Dimensional windows vs. “standard windows”

Basically, there is no “standard dimension” for windows. However, non-standard sizes of some windows are used more frequently than others, so they can be pre-produced. Windows can be as small as a certain standard size for a few reasons:

– Geometric optimality

– Standard dimensions, often in multiples of 12.5 cm for window and door openings

– Practical reasons (practice proves that some sizes are “practical” and therefore adopted more frequently)

The price difference between prefab windows in popular sizes and custom windows is not as big as one might think. However, the exceptions are specials, clearances, and cheap products of poor quality.

the price of aluminum windows the price of aluminum windows

Aluminum window pricing

If you do a full comparison, you’ll find that aluminum windows are sometimes half as expensive as plastic ones. This is because aluminum as a material is inherently much more expensive than plastic, and the manufacturing process is significantly more complicated.


When it comes to overall window prices, however, glazing prices vary widely, accounting for the largest share of the cost. The cost of a square meter of glass surface is between around 15 and 70 dollars. Then there is the surcharge for special glass with special functions:

– Higher resistance rating, higher breakage resistance

– Sunscreen coating or other special heat resistant coating

– Special design of the glass edge

the price of aluminum windows the price of aluminum windows

Special frame features

If you want a higher resistance level, the frame can also be equipped with corresponding special functions, and the cost will be higher. E.g:

– Mushroom head peg prevent windows from being pried

– Lockable window handle with some resistance

– Additional security features and greater frame stability

the frame for aluminum windows the frame for aluminum windows

Frame comfort

The frame can be designed for easy cleaning, no notches and grooves that can collect dirt. Only a few manufacturers can do this special design. This way, the windows are easier to clean and always look clean.

Frame quality

Some window manufacturers have certain quality certifications. For example, the AAMA began offering third-party window performance ratings in 1962 and its certification program has been accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) since 1972. Over the years the AAMA Certification program has gone on to set and promote the highest quality standards for residential and commercial windows.

Compare Prices for Custom Aluminum Windows

Either way, it’s always good to shop around. Different manufacturers have different prices for windows. All you need to know is that windows with a quality certification seal are usually more expensive than those without – but you don’t need to worry about the quality.

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