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Removing the side entrance door – in just a few simple steps

Removing The Side Entrance Door

Preparing the side entrance door removal – disassembly

The side entrance door is an integral part of modern living. It allows you to quickly get to the parking space or the small herb garden. However, concealed entrances should comply with current safety standards, so a replacement can be useful after a few years. In our guide, we will show you how to remove your old side entrance door in a few steps: 1.) Before removing it, check whether the wall opening dimensions match the new doors. 2.) Work carefully so that the later installation is optimally prepared. 3.) The work is more accessible with two people.

Protective materials

  • Protective goggles
  • Protective gloves
  • Hearing protection
  • Tarpaulin/painter’s tarp
  • Tile


  • Cordless screwdriver
  • Screwdriver
  • Saber saw/Fox saw
  • Hammer
  • Chisel
  • Folding rule
  • Cutter knife
  • Wedge
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Crowbar

preparation tools

General preparations:

Provide materials and tools

To ensure that everything runs smoothly, check that all tools and materials are ready to hand once again.


Safety is the top priority. When working with heavy equipment, we recommend that you and your helper wear the necessary protective clothing.

Checklist and instructions

Stay on the safe side; keep the instructions and a checklist handy.

Preparations at the side entrance door:

Check dimensions

Before dismantling, check that the wall opening dimensions match the dimensions of the new side entrance door.

Protect floor and furniture

Cover surrounding furniture and floors to protect from dust and small debris. Also, make sure there is room to work.

Unhinge the side door sash

The first step is to loosen the door hinges. Depending on the manufacturer, the structure and functionality of the door hinges differ. Read in our guide on Adjusting the side entrance door and how to loosen door hinges easily.

Four steps to remove the side entrance door

Remove screws

The frame screws anchor the frame mostly circumferentially in the wall reveal. Use a cordless screwdriver to loosen all frame screws (side panels, top frame, and bottom sill). If you do not find any screws, the door frame was probably fastened with a lug anchor or mounting anchors. In this case, you can take a masonry saw or a foxtail to help.

To prevent plaster cracks, you should separate the frame from the surrounding masonry from the outside and inside with a cutter knife so the transition remains clean.

Remove front door screws

Saw through the side door frame

Put on protective gloves and goggles now if you have not done so. Using a reciprocating saw or jigsaw, set it against the frame and cut through it in several places. Set the blade at an angle to avoid wedging later. Then remove the center piece.

Our tip: Applying the blade at an angle prevents the frame pieces from wedging later.

Remove the side frame

Loosen the fit of the frame in the wall revealed by tapping lightly with a hammer. Starting at the top edge of the frame, use a pry bar to pry out each frame section. Slowly work your way down to the sill until the entire frame is separated from the wall reveal.

Clean the joints

To optimally prepare the wall reveal for installing the new side entrance door, you should now remove all assembly residues. Pull out stuck dowels, loosen foam, mortar, and silicone residues and then vacuum the joints to prepare the substrate for the new installation optimally.

front door from China

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